[OSZ] The Rule of Draal

Chapter 32, On the Tools and Property of the Monastery

Z athras warn, this site may contain spoilers though the episode most recently broadcast in the United States.

[An excerpt]

For the care of the monastery's property
in tools, clothing and other articles
let the Abbess appoint sisters
on whose manner of life and character she can rely;
and let her, as she shall judge to be expedient,
consign the various articles to them,
so that they might identify the right tool,
and distinguish it from the wrong tool,
and banish the tool of which Zathras has said,
"never use this."

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This site most humbly and quite rarely maintained by Sister Zathra norak, O.S.Z.
Last updated 1997-08-24, in the Year According to Zathras 4730